The Evolution of Value...

Our economic system continues to evolve, starting with “Financial Value” which has become the bedrock of our economy. The next form of value was Intellectual Value which has created the next cycle of economic value. Today, we are in the midst of the Relational Value Evolution, relational value is newest form of value that must be delivered to all stakeholders for our economic system to continue its prosperity for the generations to come. The next decade will be one of the most transformative periods we have seen in the last 30 years. As our leaders begin to understand the importance of relational value and figure out ways to deliver this third form of value to their team members, employees, customers and clients, winners will start to emerge. The winners in the next economic cycle will deliver three forms of value: Financial, Intellectual AND Relational. 

Any poll or study on employee happiness or engagement will state that most people are not engaged at work, enjoy the work they do or their work environment.  We believe this is because our work environments lack “Relational Value,” they lack connectivity to the task, to co-workers, or with the end client.  The work we all do matters. Our companies have the Financial Value and the Intellectual Value components in the Economic Value formula figured out, however many have not fully embraced Relational Value, therein lies the opportunity for all of us.

 We believe the future value of our economy will be based not only Financial Value and Intellectual Value, BUT also in the Relational Value we create by “harnessing the collective genius of our people.” 

The companies that focus on the personal growth and the wellbeing of their employees, their customers and our communities will lead the way. If our Economic System is going to continue to thrive, we must take better care of our most valuable asset, our Human Capital. 

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